2015 SEO Trends To Be Aware Of


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There are various things that we can say about SEO and the trends that will be really big are difficult to figure out since this is the one industry that constantly changes. We never know what changes will be done by Google. However, there are some things that you need to seriously consider in the future. 2015 will see the following elements as being really big, important for every person that owns a site. If you do not know much about SEO, it is time to start right now.

Mobile SEO Will Bloom

mobile seo

The prediction is that 2015 will be the year when mobile traffic will overtake desktop traffic. Mobile searches are expected to be really close to desktop searches and even if they do not surpass the PC search, it will be important to have a mobile site. Most sites now ignore mobile users. This is a huge mistake. You have to be sure that your site is mobile friendly in 2015 and you have to develop a good SEO strategy that includes mobile devices.

Social Media Will Have A Huge Influence

social media seo

Many believe that social media is already a lot more important than SEO when referring to traffic. While SEO is definitely not dead and will never die, social media is a factor that we need to take into account. It has to be included in the overall digital marketing strategy used by site owners. You should take social media into account as it will be a stronger marketing channel that you can use in 2015. Just make sure that you do it properly. Social media is not just about Facebook and Twitter.

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SEO Will Be Done By Everyone

everyone does seo

In 2015 we will notice that most of your competition will use SEO, at least a degree of optimization will be done. This means that you will need to be sure that you also start using some SEO techniques and strategies. Because of the widespread information channels that already exist online, most site owners will be aware of SEO and will make moves in order to consolidate their brands. Make sure you do not lag behind.

High Quality Content Will Drive SEO

quality content

Basically all SEO specialists from around the world say that high quality content is always bringing in the best ranking results. As Google PageRank is officially dead and it is clear that time on-site is more important than ever as a ranking algorithm, you need to be sure that you produce content of the highest possible quality. If you do not do that, you will not have the results you are looking for.

The main difference that you have to understand when referring to 2015 as compared to 2014 is that high quality content will also be necessary when trying to bring in backlinks to your site. While in the past the site owners basically offered the best content on the site itself, in 2015 you may want to consider developing the best content for the really high authority industry sites that can bring in a backlink.

SEO trends 2015

We should also mention that what you share on social media and basically everything that you do online in connection to your site has to be of a high quality in 2015. This is, most likely, the most important thing that you have to realize when referring to next year’s search engine optimization scene.

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