Incredibly Simple Link Building Strategies For Site Launches



Every single website needs links in order to rank higher in search engines so using link building strategies like the ones we talk about as you launch the site is always something that you want to think about. The truth is that when the site is launched there are dozens of available linking options. Most site owners do not know about them and move directly towards buying SEO links. There is nothing wrong with that when done correctly but you should also tap into the free linking options available. Consider the options below for an even stronger site.

Links From Sites Listing The Competition

When you launch a site you should already know what your competition is. Take the research you did one step further and identify where such sites are listed. You should try to find around 10 competition sites and then use Google search to search for two of them at the same time. Then you want to visit the sites that are listing multiple competitors in the various formats available like lists, comparisons or directories.

The next step is to get in touch with the people that run the lists in order to tell them that the site you launched should also be listed. Alternatively, when you can add the site manually you can do it.

The problem with the strategy is that it can be a little frustrating to go through the links that you find in the Search engines. Also, you do need to analyze a page before getting a link from it.  In most cases you are going to be able to get links from around 20 websites. This is more than enough to get you started with a varied link building profile.

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Links From Sites Listing Organizations And Buildings In Your Industry

Alternatively, you can also look for sites listing people in the geographical location you are in or with the attributes you or the company hold. The idea is to find linking opportunities for industry professionals and company records.

As an example, let us say you are a woman entrepreneur and you launch a business in a city. There is a huge possibility you can find a number of sites that list such women entrepreneurs or businesses.

The problem with the strategy is obviously identifying great linking opportunities. What you have to do is list operation areas for the company and the geography covered. Then, list all unique business attributes. For instance, Blog For Web talks about blogging so websites that list sites with blogging tutorials would be a good option for a potential link.

Final Thoughts

When doing link building you need to think out-of-the box and consider options that others do not take into account. The two strategies highlighted are exactly about that. When you launch a business you are taught to be focused on what sets you as being unique. This is vital to create a unique selling point but you want to also know how you are similar to the competition. When you do that you can find various link options that you would have not taken into account when focused only on the unique factor.