SEO Tips That Help Rank Blogger Blogs


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The main reason why people that know SEO choose WordPress over BlogSpot is that BlogSpot is highly limited when looking at the search engine optimization possibilities available. BlogSpot SEO guides are available online but they mainly talk about how to change the template. This is definitely not enough.

With WordPress you can easily use some plugins to optimize the blog but with BlogSpot you need to do much more. Fortunately, this does not mean your SEO efforts will not be worth it. If you have a BlogSpot site and you want to improve SEO results, here are some simple tips to take into account.

Format The Post URL Link

Permalinks are very important when you want to rank any website. If you are using BlogSpot, you need to respect 2 simple rules:

  • Title characters should be less than 50.
  • Stop words should be removed from your permalink.

As you write your new post you can edit your permalink. This is an option most people do not use so the result is a URL structure that is not at all great. Manual permalinks help you to control how the link appears and add the keywords you want to optimize for while using other keywords in the title.

Keyword Density And Keyword Use

Keyword density is not as important as it used to be but this does not mean you should neglect it. Most guidelines will tell you that the best ratio for keyword use in sites is around 2%. This is a good place to start. Focus on writing high quality content since this is definitely the most important thing at the end of the day but do go over your content and see if there are relevant keywords that can be added and if the main keyword is mentioned as often as needed. Analyze the post and find really suitable locations to safely insert your keywords without making readers distracted in the process.

Related Article:  Why Seed Keywords Are Important For Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Use Proper Labels And Add Related Posts

Adding labels means that keyword density is increased. You want to widen them instead of just using single labels for single keywords. As an example, let’s say you talk about an Oreo cake. Do not add “Oreo cake” as a label. Use something like “desserts”. When you use a theme that does not have related posts, change it. Related posts are quite important and you can add them in Blogspot. However, without proper labeling you will not have highly relevant posts show up. This is why it is always a good idea to use a labeling structure that is similar to how you would use categories on a site.

Format Images For Search Engine Optimization

Image optimization is also very important for SEO. In BlogSpot the important thing is to use title and alt tags for every single image you add. With the use of WordPress you do this very fast and easy. With BlogSpot you need to work a little harded and do it manually. You will need to go to the HTML view of your post so that you can add these tags but they will help you rank better.


The 4 simple tips presented will do wonders but you can obviously take it one step further. With BlogSpot you will have to learn some HTML for a complete optimization. Fortunately, there are various articles about this. We only shared these tips since they are very fast and accessible for all people, no matter the technical knowledge. Alternatively, check articles like this one for even more SEO tips for BlogSpot when you do not mind doing more pinpointed work.

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