Should You Consider Amazon Sponsored Products Ads?


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Most people think about AdSense or Facebook Ads when building advertising campaigns for products but you may want to take Amazon Sponsored Products Ads into account because over half of the consumers are skipping the search engines and start the online shopping experienced right through Amazon. While Google is number 1 for the B2B services and purchases, Amazon is becoming more popular in B2C. Amazon Ads are basically great when you are building a campaign for e-commerce based offerings.

Amazon Ads Basics

There are various advertising programs that you can choose from with Amazon but Amazon Sponsored Products is what you want to mainly consider. They are basically image ads that are similar to AdWords and that appear close to searched products. A grey “sponsored” tag appears but it is really hard to notice.

Amazon Sponsored Products are really similar to AdWords as you select keywords and the ads you buy are going to appear if there are people searching for them. Just clicks that lead towards your page are going to be paid. Typically, the Amazon product details page is the one that is chosen for such an ad.

Getting Better Results With Amazon?

At the end of the day, you want to choose a platform over the other because of the results that you get. The big difference between Amazon Ads and AdWords is the current step of the buying process where people are at. With Amazon people are already interested in buying something. Those that use Google may just be in an initial research phase. This basically means that the people that you gain access to through Amazon Ads are more likely to make a purchase.

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Things To Remember About The Amazon Ads You Create

Similarly with AdWords, the sponsored products ads through Amazon will use keywords in order to trigger the ads. Automatic targeting is available. In this case Amazon is going to choose the best keywords for you. Manual targeting should be considered when you have experience and you think that you can get better work done alone. The main keyword matching types are: exact, phrase and broad.

Obviously, you will be interested in the reports that you gain access to since you want to be sure that you make the best possible tweaks for future results. For every single keyword you want to look at the data included, like SKU, cost per click or impressions.


As we are looking at online advertising, the industry giants are Facebook and Google. The problem is that this dominance appears at a really high cost per click. When looking at Amazon Marketing Services we have results that are 38% lower than with AdWords. That is mainly because AdWords has been around for such a long time now. When they initially appeared, costs were low.

Amazon is only now starting to sell such advertising, with a history of only 5 years. We are faced with a lower advertising number so competition is lower. Whenever competition between advertisers is low, prices are lower.

Getting In Early

In the event you are interested in selling products, not services, and you are focused on B2C, Amazon sponsored ads definitely need to be taken into account. Right now is the perfect time since you are faced with really low CPC because of the low competition between advertisers. It is easy to get good conversion rates when looking at promoting products on Amazon Search and in sponsored areas. The opportunity is pretty big and you can so easily take advantage of it. Just make sure you take the time that you need in order to create really good campaigns.

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