A Marketer’s Guide to Tiktok


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tik tok marketing tips

This article was originally posted on ESBO and re-published with permission:

Social media marketing works well for many reasons. It is a highly effective way for your business to connect with millions of people around the world. Choosing the right social media platform, and updating it regularly will lead to good SEO, increased traffic, better customer satisfaction, enhanced brand loyalty, plus more.

Tiktok is the hottest new social media platform on the scene. It has over 800 million active users each month, and each one has an average view time of 52 minutes a day. You may think that Tiktok is only used by teenagers, but this is not true. Users of all ages are downloading the app to their smartphone and getting involved in the Tiktok craze. This includes influencers, celebrities, household brands, and publishers.

Due to its high profile and popularity, it makes sense to consider using this platform to market your brand. To do so, you need to understand how to use Tiktok to your advantage as a marketer.

Tiktok Revolution Explained

The first thing you need to do before introducing anything into your marketing strategy is to get a full understanding of how it works and how it will benefit you. Tiktok is a social network that involves video-sharing. At first, the social media platform mainly appealed to GenZ users,  but it is now well-known as the home of a number of viral challenges, lip-sync videos, and famous dance trends.

Tiktok has been said to remind users of Vine, which was a 6-second looping video sharing online platform that ended in 2017. Many famous Tiktok users first started their online career on Vine. However, Tiktok has proven to be much more successful than Vine and has become one of the most popular sites for social networking.

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Why Tiktok is so Valuable

As you have already seen, Tiktok is currently going through a period of exponential growth. This means that there is a massive audience that is ready to be captured by fast-thinking and creative brands. Brands that have been successful in using Tiktok for marketing and advertising early on have managed to build up significant rewards when it comes to brand awareness, without having to invest much money.

Unlike YouTube or Instagram, accounts that have zero followers on Tiktok can manage to achieve millions of views when they upload a new video. This means that if you want your company to achieve viral status, even with few followers, you have a chance. This will get your brand out there, which will increase followers and brand recognition.

Things that Work Well

There is a huge trend culture on Tiktok, which isn’t a thing on other social media platforms. This means that even though creative and original video concepts have the ability to work well, the best and most popular Tiktok videos are usually the ones that are easy to replicate in large numbers, or are some kind of spin-off of a trend that already exists.

The biggest trend that Tiktok is well-known for is the dance trends. However, Tiktok is not just limited to dance routines, and the platform is starting to flood with viral trends for almost everything.

If you are not sure where to start, for inspiration, you should check out Tiktok’s discovery page. Here, you will be able to find the most popular hashtags based on your geographical location. You will also find a rundown of well-liked videos by category.

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The Tiktok Algorithm

Before we take a look into how the Tiktok algorithm works, we need to mention that Tiktok has managed to keep their algorithm on their For You page a secret. Unlike Instagram, which has been open when it comes to discussing how their feed ranking works, Tiktok has not yet verified the inner workings of their algorithm. Based on people’s experience of using the Tiktok app, some predictions have been made into how the For You page works.

What we do know is that exposure is based on the performance of each video, rather than followers. The algorithm takes multiple indicators into account, and initial exposure is based on your geo-location. If you use trending sounds and hashtags, it helps. Also, any video has the ability to go viral, even if they are a bit older.

How Brand Ads Work

Tiktok has many advertising opportunities options available for businesses and brands to explore. These include TopView, branded hashtag challenges, in-feed ads, and brand takeover. In-feed ads on Tiktok have a ‘sponsored’ label that is clearly visible when they come up in the For You page. A new feature that can be used is a pop-up-call-to-action, like ‘learn more,’ ‘shop now’ or ‘download now,’ which can be clicked on and followed.

Music artists love Tiktok because if their song manages to get into one of the famous trends, their music downloads will be through the roof, so it makes sense for them to use this app to promote their newest releases. Now, brands are managing to get in on the action, and many will see a great result on their investment.

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Influencer Marketing on Tiktok

Alongside direct ads, many brands are beginning to use Tiktok’s famous influencers to support and promote their brand campaigns, which helps them to reach millions of users while doing so. Some brands are already starting to go all out when using a Tiktok influencer marketing strategy.

Tiktok has been quick to identify influencer marketing as a significant part of what its e-commerce can offer to brands. They have shown this by launching a Tiktok Creator Marketplace, which is an official platform for creator and brand collaborations. This means videos from creator partners can simply be promoted as in-feed ads, which boosts visibility.

Influencer marketing is fairly new on Tiktok, but with almost uncapped data insights, reach, and evolving conversion tools, it should definitely be considered.

In order to make your marketing strategy a success, you should keep up with the latest social media platforms, such as Tiktok. This social network has already seen great things when it comes to promoting a brand, and you don’t have to invest much when trying it out, which is a major advantage.