6 Great Tips For Aspiring Food Bloggers

Boris Dzhingarov

There are hundreds of thousands of food blogs out there so if you want to launch a new one, you need all the help that you can get. The truth is the competition is really high and it will not be enough to simply talk about the topics you are interested in. If you want your brand new food blog to be successful, you should always focus on the following things that are perfect for beginners with a blog they want to grow.

Always Have A Content Strategy

As you initially start your food blog you think about many different things. This means you will write about anything food related like recipes, events, reviews and books. That helps you to so easily figure out what you love the most. It is a perfect start to developing a great content strategy, which is a necessity. Always first work on that so you could create a true relationship with your visitors. For instance, you can start specializing in Thai restaurants all around the country. Such a focus will make your content grow and be created at a much better pace, with growth in mind.

Always Focus On Writing

There should be a story behind the post you write. If you do not know what that story is, the reader will not be engaged. You want to first decide exactly what you want to say. After, you have to eliminate those things that are not adding to the story. This basically means you need to be really focused on what you actually write. After the draft post is written, you want to go over it so that you find spelling errors and awkward sentences. This is a given. Then, you want to take it one step further and see if what you wrote is actually making it clear what your story is.

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Buy A Good Camera

The food industry is highly visual. You want to use a DSLR camera and do this properly. The automatic settings are no longer enough. As a food blogger you have to read books, go through courses, check out YouTube tutorials and practice with the images and videos you create. Editing photos and making them as beautiful as possible is a necessity. When you see bad food photos, you are turned off. The same thing happens with your readers.

Schedule Content

Think about how often you want to blog based on how much time is available. After this, create a calendar. Plan the posts you are about to write for all dates and schedule the needed time in your diary so that you can actually prepare the post. This guarantees your blog will be balanced and consistent, which is exactly what people want to see. At the same time, you will have ideas and you will keep growing both traffic and communities.

Design Matters

Just go through many food blogs and you will see that you tend to stay more on those that have a great design. Bad design is a huge turn off in an industry that is so visual. That means you will need to invest in a good site theme and test out different layouts or colors (unless you already have an established brand) in order to see what works best. Attention needs to be on photographs, videos and words, all with a minimal distraction. As an extra tip, be sure that you optimize blog images since adding them at really high resolution automatically means the browsing experience will be really low and slow.

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Acknowledge Your Inspirations And Never Steal

Most food bloggers are inspired by the work of other people. Because of this it is completely normal to acknowledge absolutely all inspiration sources you may have. Add a link when it is possible and even create a Blogroll of all the favorite sites you often visit. The practice is no longer recommended by SEO professionals but it is definitely something that you want to do in food blogging since networking helps promote both you and the other people. Take it one step further and learn how to comment on a blog. Leave good comments that open the doors to further conversations. Never publish photographs, recipes or material that belongs to other bloggers or sites without an expressed permission, proper credit and an original site backlink.