Simple Tips To Help You Grow Your YouTube Channel

Boris Dzhingarov

Growing a YouTube channel now is much more difficult than in the past since there is huge competition present in literally all niches. You need to work a lot harder than in the past but there are always some things that can be done. Based on what works really well now, here are some of the best suggestions you have to seriously take into account.

Most Many Times Per Week

In order to grow your YouTube channel you need to make a commitment. The channels that post numerous times per week always get more recommended views and generally perform better. Around 3 times per week should be seen as an absolute minimum if growth is what you are interested in.

As an extra tip, do consider keeping a highly regular schedule since this is going to raise the channel much faster in the ranking algorithm. When you first start the channel you want to create a lot of content on various similar topics. Do try to create a content library that can move the viewers from a video to the next so watch time is boosted. This also offers more reasons to subscribe.

Choose Content You Can Regularly Produce

Even if you are a really good editor, in the event you take a lot of time to produce content you are going to have some huge growth problems. This is because you can only grow when you upload videos regularly at highly familiar times. Choose the content that you can easily create and develop regularly. Find some ways to have the production workflow streamlined. Editing templates or even hiring assistants should be considered. Refine the workflow and topics production so the entire process is effective.

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Start Videos With Hooks

The way in which you will hook the viewer will always depend on content and you at a personal level. When videos feature projects, for instance, start by showing the end. The stunning result can make the person really interested in how that was achieved. As an example, if you make a YouTube video about how you built a bed, start by showing off the bed as opposed to starting with the beginning of the process.

You can also always use stories in order to pick up the interest of the viewer. We all love hearing some stories so start the video with that so that people can be enticed to stick around. Personal stories are also going to endear presenters to viewers.

Opening Credits And Titles Should Be Short

People have short attention spans. If you have a long credit or title sequence starting the video, people simply lose interest. Long openers discourage binge watching too as the same sequence is not of interest for repeat viewing. Try to make the opening credits and titles punchy and short. 5 seconds is actually more than enough and highly recommended.

Always Add End Screens

The end screens are great to promote a website, the channel and other videos. They are interactive and can take the viewer to some other content that you want to promote. The end screens can be added in the very last twenty seconds of the video. This means you have to plan for them but there are various templates already available in YouTube. Use them! If you have problems in making the end screen something effective, just use an image. This can easily be added to the video with any editing software.

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Remove Video Distractions

People are going to start looking at the videos that are recommended whenever they see something boring, subject bouncing, meandering talking and longer pauses. This is why tangents should be minimized as much as possible. Try to only get away from the topic in the event it is something engaging, as telling a related story. Viewers should not be given any reason to click away. All you need to do is cut from a shot to the next. You do not have to film with many cameras. Just use transitions or text, something that is available in all the video editors on the market at the moment.