High priority SEO tips


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When it comes to search engine optimization, there are techniques that are optional even though they definitely help, and there are those that you absolutely have to use if you want your website to appear as high as possible in search engine results. Here we will talk about those high priority techniques.

You can find the perfect key words but if your content is a mess search engines won’t consider your website valuable and people most likely won’t stick around if you don’t provide valuable information, so make sure you offer great unique content.

new update

Constant Updates

Keep your website alive and active, because those sites that are constantly getting updated with new content are considered more reliable and get higher ranking.


As for keywords, everyone knows how important they are. When you start optimizing your website for search engines find several keywords phrases and write pages and articles for these specific phrases. If it’s possible use your keyword phrase in the title tag: the placement of the keyword can significantly increase the importance of said keywords for search engines. And when you choose the keyword phrase go with the one that is popular, but not too much so, otherwise you are risking getting lost in similar results.

For instance, do you know how many results you get for “workflow management” in Google? More than two millions! While the phrase “workflow management software” is more specific and gives twenty times less results, so don’t try to aim for the sky: it’s much better to choose less popular keyword and be on the first several pages in search engine results than choose highly popular one and end up on 100th page.

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To pump up your keywords try to get a domain with it and use it in URLs, that will help you a great deal.


The Big Density Mistake

The thing with the keywords is that you should never overuse them. You should know perfect keyword density (3-7%) and always try to keep to it. The latest algorithms of Google (Google Panda and Google Penguin) are very sensitive to the number of keywords used in your texts. They consider the overuse of keywords as a try to manipulate search engine results and definitely lower the meaning of keyword-oversaturated content. So read your text before placing them online. They should be optimal for humans.

If you want to highlight your keyword phrase another great way to do it is use the keyword phrase in anchor text of links.

If other people link to your website that makes it more reliable to search engines, so if you have an opportunity to get inbound links – do it.

As you can see, SEO is quite busy and versatile process that requires careful management. If you want to put your website high in ranking as fast as possible you are going to have to plan and organize SEO process as carefully as possible, and for that purpose you might use task management software that would allow create and assign tasks, control deadlines and get your website high in search engine results as soon as possible.
Author: Jannet Sparts – Follow her on Google+.