Most Common Web Hosting Problems You Can Have When Migrating To New Hosting Platform

Boris Dzhingarov

Whenever you move your website to a new platform, there are some problems that can appear. They are normally related to how content is displayed, layout and downtime problems. We recommend that you take a quick look at the following. You never know when the problem may appear.

Coming Soon Page Appears Even When The Site Was Uploaded

Whenever you see something like this, there are normally 2 problems:

You want to first clear the cache of the browser. This solves the old site version display problem. If this does not work, you will need to think about the following:

  • Double check the hosting account and make sure that the website is uploaded in the correct folder.
  • You want to upload an index file that is valid. It is normally index.html, .php or .htm. The lack of this file will lead towards the server displaying a general message.

We should add that whenever you make changes and they do not appear as you look at the site, you want to clear the cache of your browser. This is a lot more common than you may think.

The Website Was Up But Then Went Down

Let’s say you made some site changes. Those changes may have caused harm and might have brought down the website. However, in most situations the situation above is caused by one of 2 things:

  • The hosting provider is experiencing downtime. Just contact support and you will see if this is the case.
  • The DNS settings did not update when a domain name changed. Solving this issue is also done by contacting your provider.
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Images Are Not Displayed

The most common situations when this happens are the following:

  • Images did not upload to the account. Try to re-upload.
  • Images are in an incorrect folder. This is quite common when you move a WordPress account. When an image does not display, there is an icon in the area where the image should have been. Right click on it and open in the new tab. Check and see if the path is correct and if the image is actually present in the folder.

The Layout Of The Website Is Compromised

This is an error that is quite simple to notice as the website will feature design elements arranged in some improper locations. It is possible that the problem will appear when a CSS (cascading style sheet) file is missing. You want to re-upload it. If this does not work, check the file location to see where that file should have been placed. Put it there if it is not there.

Locate the location of the CSS file. Just right click on the page and view the source. There is a line there that shows you the location of the CSS file. You have to be sure that the file is actually there.