Social Media Management Content Types


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Absolutely all the top articles that offer social media management tips will tell you that content needs to be of the highest possible quality in order to offer success. You need to do all that you can in order to be highly successful and without great content, you will not be able to succeed this.

One thing that many do not know is that there are different types of content that you have to use on your social media pages. You should never post just images or just links since this will drastically reduce the engagement you would have. Remember that social media content has to be interactive while web content has to be informative. This difference is enough to help you to improve your overall presence.

Getting back to the main subject at hand, here are the 3 main content types that you need to use on your social media pages.

Original Social Media Content

social content

This is highly important and should be seen as the foundation of the strategy, including for modern maintenance management. Original content is what will differentiate you from the competition. You should never use copy paste or just share articles coming only from other sites. Try to focus on content that includes questions like:

  • How
  • What
  • Why
  • Lists

Images and videos have to also be considered. If you can create original content of this type, it is even better.

Social Content

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When referring to social content, we mean using content that is engaging. You will normally add original content based on your website but using language that is toned for the used platform is highly important. As a simple example, you will need to use a formal voice on LinkedIn. On Facebook you have to be more casual and aim for interaction. Pinterest and Instagram are highly based on visual content.

Related Article:  Social Media Content Types That Increase Engagement

No matter what platform you are using at the moment, it is vital that you appear as being HUMAN. Too many business managers are way too serious when they have to be more interactive and look as human as possible. If you do not have a lot of experience, think about posting the following:

  • Relevant quotes
  • Holiday related posts
  • Post that celebrate milestones
  • Relevant contests and giveaways
  • Ask questions and answer questions
  • Interviews with staff members
  • Memes
  • Jokes
  • Industry updates

Curated Content

Curated content is basically content from other sources that is useful for the audience you have. As an example, you can easily re-tweet something that is relevant or you can organize a Vlogger to show up frequently on the YouTube channel you run. You basically need to arrange the feeds you follow and share the best content that appears.

Visual Content

visual social media

No matter what social network you use, it is important that visual content is used since it can so easily grab more attention than text. The sheer growth we saw with Instagram and Pinterest is clear proof that highlights this fact.

Remember that a social network has specific image dimensions for the posts. Always respect the guidelines offered so that you can fully take advantage of this.

One Quick Tip

You will definitely be tempted to try to do everything at the same time and cover all social networks you can find. This is not at all a good idea. You need to focus on the networks that see your target audience being the most active. Your main goal with social media in most cases is to generate buzz and interact with that audience.

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