The Importance Of Consistent Blogging For Any Online Business


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It is quite common for online businesses these days to have a blog attached to their website. We also have companies or bloggers that use their blogs in order to generate some sort of revenue stream. No matter the situation you are in at the moment, it is really important to remember one thing:

You Have To Blog Regularly!

A study by Hubspot showed us the following results:

 subscriber growth rate

email traffic

As you can see, when you blog regularly, you have a faster growing subscriber base and even a more active email list. That is highly important for any type of blog out there. You can produce the best possible content and make it truly unique, only to end up with a lower growth rate than what you could achieve with constant blogging.

Photo used under CC agreement by Happy Bushra
Photo used under CC agreement by Happy Bushra

Regular Blogging Is Tough, Right?

There is no really successful blogger out there that will tell you: “Blogging is easy! You will make it in no time!” They all talk about the importance of learning all that you can about your audience, writer’s blog and the need to constantly improve your writing skills and/or speed.

We understand that it is difficult to blog consistently but you do have to do it. Here are some tips to help you find more content ideas:

1. Listen To Your Audience

From time to time there are people that email you or that comment on your blog posts. They can even get in contact with you on Twitter or Facebook. Listen to what they have to say so that you can see what they may be interested in. See what they talk about and when you notice a topic that you can talk about and bring in extra value, write about it.

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2. Subscribe To Other Blogs

There are many bloggers that wait for visitors to subscribe to their blogs but they do not do the same thing. This is a mistake because of many different reasons. One of them is that you may miss out on some great blog post ideas that would be very valuable for your readers.

As a blogger you need to be informed about the industry you operate in. What better way to do so than to be among the first that learn about industry changes or case studies published? RSS made it so easy for us to stay up-to-date with what goes on around us.

3. Throw In The Occasional Personal Post

Your visitors surely want to see you as a human being. From time to time, you can write a post that is more personal in nature even on company blogs. You just have to connect it in some way to the overall niche that you target. For instance, if you run a health and fitness blog, you can always talk about a wonderful, healthy meal that you recently discovered in a restaurant. Such a post can even be published while on the road if you have a laptop/tablet and an internet connection available. Alternatively, write it down on a piece of paper!

Used under CC by-NC-SA by djking
Used under CC by-NC-SA by djking

Short Versus Long Posts!

We see that many bloggers do not want to post something when they see it as too short. You can have blog posts of different lengths and you can actually talk about just one idea/topic. The bottom line is that when you have an idea that you think is worthwhile to write about as your audience may be interested, you should do it!

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