Designing a Fan Site for Your Favourite Premier League Team


Football is an exciting sport that is enjoyed all over the globe, and it really does bring people together. At the same time, though, people can also be divided by their devotion to their favourite team. That’s one reason why fan sites are set up, as they allow you to connect with those who share your passion for your preferred football team.

If you want to show off your devotion to your favourite Premier League team, why not design and launch your very own fan site? This is a lot easier than you probably imagine, and it can also be a lot of fun. Plus, you can use your fan site to connect with fellow fanatics, which will make the process even more enjoyable. Check out the tips below to get started.

Use Plenty of Visual Elements

A serious fan site will have plenty of videos and images of a Premier League team. These are a great way to showcase the team’s talents, as well as spotlight your favourite players and talk about their accomplishments.

You can include snippets from recent games, have headshots up of all of the players on the team, and even discuss the potential for any trades that may occur or changes that are planned for the coaching staff. The more visual your site is, the more engaging it will be, as people generally don’t like visiting websites that feature nothing but blocks of text.

Be Aware of Copyright Laws

When it comes to posting any content on your fan site, you need to always be mindful of any copyrights that are associated with content that you repost from other sources.

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Whether you are quoting a news source or you’re sharing photos and videos related to the team, you need to provide credit where it is due, and you should ask for permission from the owners of the content prior to posting it on your site. It doesn’t matter if your intentions are good, as people will get mad if they find out that you are stealing content and posting it as your own.

Add a Forum to Your Website

Finally, after you are done adding all of the content to your website, consider adding a forum on which fellow fans can connect with you, as well as have fun discussions with one another. This is a great way to build a community on your site and make it a place where you can share your views freely while getting excited for upcoming games.

Monetise It

Once your site has content on it, and you have a pretty decent readership all you then need to do is monetise it.  This way, you will have money coming in to cover your hosting costs and so that you can take a wage for the work you put in.  Many website owners choose to publish ads, which can be on anything from casino games to sportswear products.  You may also want to include affiliate links in your posts, or allow people to publish news articles for a fee. Just remember to keep your ads small if you want to keep your readers happy. Also, you will need to promote the site to get money and popularity. Be sure that you consider SEO link building but do not keep the ads too large or you would end up faced with low income and visitors would end up wanting to leave the site.

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Just make sure that you monitor the forum, and enforce rules for proper conduct so that people can avoid getting into conflicts. Be the moderator and read the posts so that you are aware of what is going on at all times.

By incorporating the tips above, you can create your own fan site for your preferred Premier League team and reap all of the benefits of having this type of website to call your own. So go ahead and have some fun while showing your support to the players that you love most.