WordPress Marketing Plugins


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Wordpress marketing plugins

While using WordPress for your company website, whether a small business or larger corporation, WordPress undeniably provides access to thousands of content marketing plugins that can potentially amplify the productivity and functionality of your site. With every successful company engaging in one form of content marketing or another, whether it is personal or business blogs, new articles for your site or the constructive incorporation of social media profiles, you simply cannot afford to let your business slip in this manner. WordPress marketing plugins can not only aid your company in promoting and managing its content but also help out enormously with monitoring a variety of content marketing methods and strategies.


Wordpress marketing plugins
By Sean MacEntee under CC BY 2.0


WordPress Plugins for Blogs:

With a business style blog you may find useful tools in the Editorial Calendar plugins which will allow you to plan ahead for future posts along with many other great features. Typical WordPress interface will only allow one day of scheduled posts at a time but with this particular calendar plugin, you may zoom in and out to view an entire month. This added feature makes it much easier to see your whole agenda, post your thoughts, drafts for ideas and much more.

Also featuring the Content Scheduler, it has another amazing and effective tool for bloggers when posting new content. While writing up a post, it permits you to specifically set a date to review the content. The scheduler can automatically impose an action specified on a date such as adjusting a post’s category, unsticking a post, moving a post to the trash bin, adding or removing tags as well as changing a status to post, pending or private.

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WordPress Plugins for Search Engine Optimization and Sharing:

SEO plugins

Some businesses are sadly unaware of the great resource WordPress plugins are in the improvement of search engine optimization or SEO. There are two main SEO plugins All in one Seo Pack and SEO by Yoast. With WordPress SEO by Yoast, you will discover this plugins of the highest rating in its category can be not only simple to use even for beginners but also comes equipped with a variety of extras that allow for better SEO. You can easily choose to noindex and no follow Taxonomies. There is great option to disable unnecessary archives. The plugin also offer other benefits such as controlling XML sitemaps, Internal links and Permalinks. You can add breadcumbs without any code knowledge.

Social Media Plugins

Another excellent and easy way to improve content marketing strategies is with a wide range of social sharing buttons that allow you to add customizable plugins to your company site. Some of the best free WordPress social media plugins are Flare, Digg Digg and Slick Social Sharing buttons. You should also use follow me plugins like WP MashSocial Wigdet. You can add Facebook fan page, Twitter, Google Plus Page, Pinterest and You Tube channel with this widget

WordPress Marketing Plugins for Visitors:

Solely dependent on customers reading your content, content marketing plugins are put to good use not only in promoting your business but also maintaining your clientele. There are major email platforms with WordPress which can also be a phenomenal way to add subscribers to your emailing list. With captcha programs you are shielding your website’s valuable content from spam type comments and limit your comments to actual visitors with a simple verification code. You will also find convenience in contact forms which will permit your site to easily answer questions.

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Monitoring Content Marketing Efforts with WordPress Plugins:

With so many WordPress marketing plugins to simplify your business site, there are absolutely fantastic traffic trackers and analytics programs to choose from, all offered with WordPress. One of the most well-known and widely used plugins is the free Google program called the Google Analytics and comes with a fully functional dashboard graphic widget.


In conclusion, WordPress marketing plugins have obvious powerful as well as downright convenient features to offer your business. With abilities tom boost your company’s marketing so greatly via social media, fresh content, and much more, these wonderful plugins are assets your business just cannot afford to bypass in this economic climate. There is literally a variety of plugins for every possible need that may arise.

Do you use some of these plugins? Feel free to share your experience and recommend other WordPress Marketing Plugins.