South African Brands Turning to Video Marketing


The most successful, highly engaged content forms nowadays tend to be videos. The same trend can be seen in South Africa for obvious reasons. The available bandwidth is more capable of delivering high quality videos to viewers without too much buffering or slow-down., South Africa’s own video platform, is also making it very easy for brands and users to share videos.

This shift in content trend also means more emphasis on video marketing. Brands are beginning to utilize videos to share stories and engage their viewers.

Better Video = A Better User Experience

It is not surprising to see brands like Cosmopolitan, FHM, Kick Off and many other top names utilizing video marketing on some of their latest campaigns. As mentioned before, through its video sharing platform allows users to access more video content easily.

The shift translates to better brand awareness and exposure. These two goals can be achieved by integrating video marketing with the brand’s overall marketing campaign.

On the other hand, users are reacting well to the branded videos posted on MyVideo. It is possible to find interesting videos to watch directly on the site, similar to what users can do on other video sharing platforms. However, MyVideo offers South Africa-specific content that may not be available elsewhere. The top companies are working with agencies besides using SEO services and crafting animated videos for a better user experience.

Viral Potential and SEO Benefits

The ease of use and the fact that MyVideo makes it very easy to post and share videos are not the only reasons why videos are becoming really big in the country. Google and other search engines are valuing local content more, especially for searches that come from within South Africa. This means contents that are posted on MyVideo have a better impact on local websites’ SEO performance.

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Brands are also aiming for one particular thing: a chance to go viral. When a video goes viral, millions of users will tune in to watch it, share it and expand its reach even further. It is not uncommon for a popular video on MyVideo to get more than 200,000 views in a matter of days.

Better User Engagement

Aside from an increase in the use of video marketing, we’re also seeing an increase in user engagement on campaigns that integrate video marketing as part of their strategy. When a user is engaged – for instance, when users comment on videos or are following a web series produced by a brand – the process of converting them into customers is much easier than before.

“MyVideo ensures that South African content is aired as the sole focus, ensuring that companies who use it are connecting with targeted internet traffic,” says MyVideo marketing officer Tristan Owen. Brands no longer have to compete against millions of other videos from around the world. The platform really benefits companies who simply want to reach South African customers and build a stronger relationship like never before.

More big names are joining the video marketing train too. We’re seeing more videos from Die Burger and Sports Illustrated; the rest of the big players – and smaller businesses – will certainly follow suit.