Welcome to Blog For Web!
We are really happy you found us and we are eager to share our knowledge with you. Blog For Web is a really simple project that basically tries to help you have more success with your blog. If you have any questions or you want to get in touch, visit the Contact Us Page. We will constantly talk about Google, SMM, Design, SEO, blogging tips and a whole lot more.
Meet The Team!
Founder & Author – Boris Dzhingarov
I love blogs! I loved them my entire life. Blog For Web is my attempt to give back to the industry. Hopefully, you will find something great here. As the blog grows, you will surely learn many things that are of interest and that you can easily use in order to reach more success in your online business.
If you Blog For Web, this is the blog you want to be on! Subscribe, follow us and get in touch to create a nice community that can help each other grow!
Content Manager & Author – Adrian Cruce
When Boris talked to me about Blog For Web, I just had to get aboard. This is a great opportunity for me to share part of my blogging experience and giving back to the community. The idea behind the project is definitely great. You did not see anything yet! In a few months you will surely love what you get the opportunity of learning here!